Thursday 23 May 2013

Photos missing from iCloud Contacts on Nexus 4

I'm using SmoothSync for Cloud Contacts to sync my iCloud contacts to my Nexus 4 and 7 devices. Normally it works like a dream, but yesterday I woke up to find that all the profile photos were missing from all my iCloud contacts in the "People" app for no reason I could figure out. The fix was simple: delete the account and recreate it, but I'm listing the steps here because they're not really all that obvious.
  1. Open "Settings."
  2. Scroll down to "Accounts" and click on "SmoothSync for Cloud Contacts."
  3. Click on the account.
  4. Then click on the three-dot Option menu indicator and select "Remove account."
  5. Open the "SmoothSync for Cloud Contacts" app and re-enter your account information.
I had a concurrent issue with my Google+ profile picture not showing up on my Nexus 4. Strangely everything was fine on the Nexus 7, so no idea how to account for the difference.

Profile Picture not Showing up in Nexus 4

One day I woke up to find that my Google+ profile picture was no longer being displayed on my Nexus 4. It was missing from both the Messaging app and the "Me" card in the People app. After some frenzied experimentation and alternating states of despair and panic, I decided to work smart, not hard. Here's the fix:
  1. Open the Google+ app.
  2. Click on the three-dot Option menu indicator.
  3. Click on "Sign Out."
  4. Sign back in.

Wasn't that easier than deleting your Google account and recreating it?